FSGC Code of Conduct Policy
FSGC expects all contestants, caddies, gallery, and guests to exhibit proper conduct and behavior on the golf course and anywhere on golf course property during a FSGC Club Play or Tournament. Unbecoming conduct or behavior may be grounds for immediate disqualification, at any time, from any FSGC event. The following are some examples of unbecoming conduct or behavior:
- Repeated use of loud, abusive, and/or profane language
- Throwing and/or breaking equipment (club, ball, etc.) in anger or frustration
- Damaging host club, FSGC, and/or fellow contestant property
- Public criticism or verbal abuse of host club, officials, volunteers or staff, and/or FSGC volunteers, staff or fellow contestants
- Potential endangerment of others
- Intentionally violating stated club policy
- Violation of FSGC Dress Code and/or Footwear Policy
- Other conduct deemed unbecoming
The Committee in charge of the competition shall be the sole judge of determining Conduct Code violations.