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2023 Summer Championship Series
Entries are open to amateur golfers who have an up-to-date USGA Handicap Index issued by the USGA and non-indexed golfers.
AGE: Player’s date of birth is required on all entry forms for competitors using the preferred tee box. Players using preferred tee boxes as Senior competitors must have reached their sixty-fifth (65) birthday by May 25, 2023. Players using preferred tee boxes as Junior competitors must have NOT reached their eighteenth birthday by May 25, 2023.
Field Limit
Field will be limited to the first 28 entrants. Entries will be accepted according to the time of receipt of entry and entry fee. FSGC reserves the right to modify the field limit to accommodate additional competitors.
Entries: Form, Fee and Closing Date
All players must have an entry application submitted either by: (1) on the FSGC website ( with a credit card, or (2) by mail with a completed paper application form and check or credit card authorization form. Entry fee of $160/day must be paid by every player. Payment will be processed at the time of entry. A full refund will be issued to players who are placed on a waiting list and do not make the starting field.
Entry applications, along with the appropriate fee, must be completed or received by FSGC by 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, August 10th, 2023. Late entry applications may be accepted and used to fill spots; contact Team Captain after deadline close for waitlist inclusion.
Refund Policy
Refunds due to cancellation before the close of entry are subject to a $10 service charge. After the close of entry, no refund will be issued except for cancellation of tournament by FSGC or closure of golf course.
Players are encouraged to ride in a golf cart. Cart fees are included in the entry fee; no refunds will be issued for walking competitors.
FSGC has partnered with Little Creek Resort for discounted lodging for Big Boyz players and guest at the Little Creek Casino and Resort for Saturday, August 12, 2023. There are 8 deluxe double queen rooms at $209 (+tax) each, with no fees for additional people in the rooms, available for reservation. The deadline to guarantee the discount rate is July 12, 2023.
Room Reservation
Players make reservations directly with the Resort Reservation Department by calling the toll-free number 1-800-667-7711. Please mention block code Big Boyz @ LCCR 2023 to receive the special group rate. Reservations cancelled within 48 hours of arrival date will be charged the first night’s room and tax. All guests are required to establish credit upon check-in via credit card or with a cash deposit. Any unused portion of the deposit will be refunded upon check-out. Reservations made after 2023-07-12 will be accepted based on availability and rates will not be guaranteed.
Big Boyz Banquet
The Big Boyz Tournament Banquet will be held in the Little Skookum Banquet Room for private dining, Saturday, August 12, 6:00 pm. Reservations for the Banquet are made with your Tournament registration and is $20. Banquet dining is included in the tournament registration fee.
Tee Box for Big Boyz Tournament
- Division A (Low Handicap) play from the Players Tees @ 6,312 yds
- Division A Seniors (65+), Ladies and Juniors play from the preferred Masters Tees
- Division B (Mid to High Handicap) play from the Maters Tees @ 5,848 yds
- Division B Seniors (65+), Ladies and Juniors play from the preferred Forward Tees
Playing Divisions
- Division A (Low Handicap): Playing Handicap <13
- Division B (Mid to High Handicap): Playing Handicap = 13+
FSGC reserves the right to adjust the Handicap cut to achieve a relative balanced Field division.
GHIN Requirement: All competitors are required to have a verifiable USGA Index, Players will receive 100% of their playing handicap for net scoring. The maximum allowable playing handicap per player is 36; a player above this will be reduced to meet this requirement. Players without a verifiable GHIN will be assigned a GHIN = Flight A GHIN Average – 1 .
Tee Pairings
Tee pairings and starting tee times will be posted on this webpage on Friday, August 11th, 6:00 pm, check back at that time for your pairing. Printed Tee Pairings will be available at the Pro Shop, day of the tournament at 7:30 am.
Start of Tournament
Tournament Welcome, review of playing rules, review of course rules, and questions from the field meeting at 11:00 am.
Time of Starting
If the player arrives at his starting point, ready to play, within five minutes after his starting time, in the absence of circumstances which warrant waiving the penalty of disqualification as provided in Rule 5.3a, the penalty for failure to start on time (including starting early) is loss of two strokes in stroke play. The penalty for lateness or starting early beyond five minutes is disqualification.
Tournament Play Rules apply
The Rules of the United States Golf Association govern play. Complete text of Rules may be found in the current Rules of Golf. Unless otherwise indicated, the penalty for breach of a Local Rule or Condition: Stroke Play = Two Strokes.
Balls may be lifted, cleaned and placed within 6 inches of its original location, outside of marked Hazards. Balls inside Hazards must be played as they lie.
Balls within casual water and grounds under repair, may be lifted cleaned and placed within 6 inches of such area, but in no instance shall a player improve his lie by moving a ball from a Hazard.
In the event of a LOST BALL from the tee:
OPTION 1. You may proceed and search for your ball for (3 minutes) if you cannot find your ball you MUST RETURN to the tee box and re-tee. You may NOT take a 2 stroke penalty and proceed to drop in the fairway.
OPTION 2. Announce to your Marker that you are playing a provisional ball and announce clearly, describe your first ball and your provisional.
In the event that you hit a shot from the fairway, rough etc. and you cannot find your ball after (3 minutes). You MUST go back to the original spot (as close as possible) drop there, add 1 stroke and hit again. You cannot take a drop where you “believe” your ball to be and add 2 strokes and play.
**In the event that there is confusion at anytime. Please proceed with playing “2 balls” keeping both holed out scores and bring the matter to the Tournament Committee at the end of the round.
Tournament Pace – of – Play Requirements
Each group will be required to finish their round in 4 hours and 30 minutes with the following provisions:
Your group is considered to be OUT OF POSITION when both of the following conditions are present:
Your group is more than 15 minutes behind the group in front of your group (timed from flag in to flag in)…AND
Your group is playing slower than an average of 15 minutes per hole. The time is computed from the time the first player in the group teed off on the first hole. The subsequent holes are timed from flagstick in to flagstick in.
When a group is out of position, they are subject to timing. Players must play each shot in no more than 40 seconds from the time the shot, played by your fellow competitor before you, comes to rest. On the putting green, timing will begin after a reasonable amount of time is allowed (for the first player to putt) to mark, lift, clean and replace the ball, repair his/her ball mark, and, on the line of putt, repair other ball marks and remove loose impediments. On the teeing ground, timing will begin after a reasonable amount of time is allowed (for the first player to play) club selection and updating scorecard etc. Undue delay may also occur between strokes and will be considered by the committee in the resolution of any appeals or in timing play or a match, e.g., stopping for the beverage cart, leaving the course to pickup beverages at the clubhouse or stopping at the turn.
First offense – Warning
Second offense – One stroke;
Third offense – Two strokes.
For subsequent offense – Disqualification
Tournament Maximum Double Par Stroke Rule
Par 3’s Max six (6) Strokes, Par 4’s Max eight (8) strokes, Par 5’s Max ten (10) strokes. If your next stroke results in double par on any hole, please pick up and move to the next hole to tee-off.
On Course Discrepancies
First try to resolve the issue within the group, if the players cannot solve the issue. Play two balls and report discrepancies to a tournament rules committee member immediately after the round. Have fun, show integrity and respect to your playing partner and everyone on the golf course.
Score Cards
- Exchange scorecard with another playing member of your group.
- Please do not Total Scores, the computer will perform that task, only enter scores made on each hole only.
- The official scorecard requires both signatures to be official.
- Captains are responsible for turning in scorecards immediately after the round.
To break all ties, the Committee will use the hole ranking on the score card for the tournament, if the hole ranking cannot break the ties, then divide the prize awarded by the total number of ties.